It was never about art until it became all about art


Through the medium of acrylics, fluid acrylics and texture paste I create abstract artworks that delve into the depths of self-expression and the complexities of mental struggles. My art reflects a constant questioning of myself, exploring internal confusion and embracing the concept of 'imperfectionism.'

Combining the fluid art technique with recycled materials such as wooden boards, I venture beyond the boundaries of conventional brushes. In my artistic practice, I draw inspiration not only from my own mental state but also from the growing acceptance of “trial and error approach”, which fosters an environment of exploration and growth.

My creations are intense, personal, and unfiltered, serving as a safe outlet for my emotions without affecting others. By sharing my artistic journey, I aim to challenge the notion that expertise is a prerequisite for expression, advocating for the power of raw authenticity.

My art resonates with individuals who question everything including themselves. Individuals, who embrace diversity and imperfection. I strive to offer solace and a sense of unity by sharing the intense emotions we may all experience at different times in our lives.

Having exhibited my works in two solo exhibitions, I have received positive feedback from attendees who connected deeply with my art. Strangers reached out to express their appreciation, fostering a sense of community and shared understanding.

My art embodies the freedom from perfectionism, inviting viewers to purchase not just a painting but the emotions and intense experiences that fueled its creation. Often incorporating textual elements, my artworks serve as statements, amplifying the connection between visual and written expression.

Originating from the Russian Federation, where artistic expression is often censored, I am influenced by the struggle to navigate societal filters while remaining true to myself. In the contemporary art world, my creations find their place naturally, as there is room for diverse forms of expression.

Stay tuned for upcoming exhibitions, as I continue to explore the depths of self-expression, challenging societal boundaries, and inviting viewers to embrace imperfection alongside me.